Æter / Aether

Æter / Aether

Really Simple Syndication / RSS Press
279,00 kr.
Inkl. moms

Bogen Æter er lavet i forbindelse med udstillingen af samme navn, som blev vist på
KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad 13. januar – 2. juni 2024. Projektet tog begrebet ’æter’ op som
metafor for det, der ikke kan måles og vejes. Ved at udfordre deres materialers fysiske
begrænsninger, blev kunstnernes værker også til broer mellem domæner. De forskellige fagligheder der har arbejdet sammen om projektet, har udviklet ny viden og tilgange til ideen om æteren gennem research, der har fokuseret ikke kun på koncepter men også materialerne, som den altid foranderlige æter interagerer med.

The book Aether was produced in connection with the exhibition of the same name, shown at Silkeborg Bad Art Centre from 13 January to 2 June 2024. The project took up the concept of ‘the ether’ as a metaphor for that which cannot be measured and weighed. By challenging the physical restraints of their materials, the artists’ works also became bridges between domains. The different specialists who have worked together on the project have developed new knowledge and approaches to the idea of the ether, through research focused not only on concepts but also the materials, with which the ever-changing ether interacts.

Koncept og kuratering / Concept and curation
Vinni Frederiksen og/and Ane Fabricius Christiansen

Værker af / Works by
Hanne Friis
Anett Biliczki
Grethe Wittrock
Kasper Kjeldgaard
Barbara Skovmand
Ane Fabricius Christiansen
Inge Lise Westman
Lise Seier Petersen
Vinni Frederiksen
Erna Skúladottír
Pekka Paikkari
Pipaluk Lake

Essays af / by
Helge Krah, Neils Bohr Institute
Christopher Sand-Iversen, SixtyEight Art Institute
Tone Roald, University of Copenhagen

Softcover, 216 sider, fuld farve.
Christopher Sand-Iversen, Helge Kragh, Tone Roald, et.al.
Udgave /år
1 / 2024
Really Simple Syndication / RSS Press
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